主办单位:四川省图书馆 四川省图书馆学会
国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 1003-7136
国内统一刊号:CN 51-1073/G2

四川图书馆学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 2-10.

• 专栏: 基层公共图书馆高质量发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


严贝妮, 程雪荣   

  1. 安徽大学管理学院,合肥 230039
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-23 出版日期:2023-12-25 发布日期:2023-12-28
  • 作者简介:严贝妮(1980—),女,博士,教授,任职于安徽大学管理学院。研究方向:公共阅读服务、信息资源管理。程雪荣(2000—),女,安徽大学管理学院硕士研究生在读。研究方向:公共文化服务。
  • 基金资助:

Exploration on the High-quality Development of Reading Service System in Public Libraries under the Background of Rural Revitalization:Case Study of 29 Grass-roots Public Libraries

YAN Beini, CHENG Xuerong   

  • Received:2023-07-23 Online:2023-12-25 Published:2023-12-28

摘要: 为总结当前基层公共图书馆阅读服务成功经验,探索基层公共图书馆阅读服务体系高质量发展,文章选取两届服务农民、服务基层文化建设先进集体中的29个基层公共图书馆作为调查对象,采用网络调查、案例分析等方法,探讨当前基层公共图书馆阅读服务体系发展突出建设成果与先进经验。提出发挥政策引导保障作用、推进总分馆制纵向建设、鼓励社会力量参与创新、打造城乡阅读服务品牌、因地制宜开展阅读服务等基层公共图书馆阅读服务体系高质量创新发展路径。

关键词: 基层公共图书馆, 阅读服务体系, 县级图书馆

Abstract: In order to summarize the successful experience of reading service of grass-roots public libraries and explore the high-quality development of the reading service system of grass-roots public libraries, this paper selects 29 grass-roots public libraries of the two Advanced Collectives of Serving Farmers and Grassroots Cultural Construction as the objects of investigation.The outstanding construction achievement and advanced experience of the reading service system of grass-roots public libraries are explored by using the methods of network survey and case analysis, and the paths of high-quality innovative development of the reading service system of grass-roots public libraries are proposed in terms of playing the role of policy guidance and guarantee, promoting the vertical construction of the general-branch library system, encouraging the participation of social forces in innovation, creating the brand of urban and rural reading service, and developing reading service according to local conditions.

Key words: grass-roots public library, reading service system, county-level library

中图分类号: G258.22